Saturday, January 2, 2010



宝宝现在独立性更强了,今天白天睡午觉,我拍她,哄她,她一直哭。先开始我还想尽方法地哄她,直到我终于意识到宝宝是不要我哄。我只好坐在那里,不再碰她。宝宝趴在床上,慢慢平静下来入睡了。我们家和别人家的sleep training 是反的,别人家是大人不哄,让孩子哭,然后让孩子自己睡。我们家是我一直哄宝宝,直到宝宝哭着不肯要我哄。其实宝宝最近一直是向这个方向发展的,直到今天表现得特别明确。
我一直不舍得sleep training 就是不想让宝宝哭,可最后的结果大概宝宝哭得不比sleep-trained babies 少。我个人觉得,sleep training 时宝宝哭,是宝宝还不ready。可是到自己,是宝宝ready to sleep on her own,我还不肯放手。

In hind sight, if the goal is to minimize the crying of the babies, the optimal timing would be to let babies sleep on their own as soon as they are ready. But due to errors on the part of the parents, babies will end up with certain amount of crying - either because parents let them sleep on their own prematurely, or because parents still "baby" them when they are already independent enough. So, in terms of the amount of crying, my approach may be doing equally fine (or bad) as sleep training approaches. Of course, if the goal is to minimize the work of the parents, my approach is apparently the worst. So sleep training may be worth it after all. But I don't regret the endless hours I spent trying to put my daugther to sleep. I just can't bear the thought of sleep training - not showing up even when my baby is crying for me desperately. Of course, when my baby asks me to leave her alone, I will, sooner or later.

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